Our Virtual Love Wall needs you

What you will receive

For your donation and/or in-kind services you will receive equity ownership in the Urban Aid copyright intellectual property rights. Such equity terms will be offered to own a percentage of the Mechanical Royalty, the Synchronization Royalty and/or the Publishing Royalty.

Special Sponsorship promotion will raise funds by providing associated branding opportunities with select corporate product advertisement (Toyota/Lexus/General Motors-Hybrid Cars and Trucks, International Quality Issues, Civil and Human Rights Organizations, Federal, State, City and International Governments) and international quality of life issues such as: HIV/AIDS, LUPIS Foundation, COVID 19 Coronavirus Pandemic, Motown Museum Detroit, Michigan, Nation of Islam – Chicago Muhammad University, The King Center for Non Violence, SCLC, Rainbow-PUSH, NAACP, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Points of Life Foundation, Urban League, Worldwide Catholic Charities, Roman Catholic Churches, National Baptist Convention, City of Los Angeles, California, City of Chicago, Illinois, City of Atlanta, Georgia, Detroit Michigan, City of Gary, Indiana, City of Flint, Michigan, and State of Michigan, Illinois and New York State, and Great Brittan among a multitude of others, too many to name herein.

Proposed Equity Ownership

For your donation of $5.00 dollars USD or more, you will have your name and the amount of your donation listed in the liner notes of each our (5) five song production presentations and  each of our (5) five associated music videos liner note and final production and donor accreditations of the same (5) five song titles.


For you donation of $5.00 dollars or more, given the projected target fundraising goal of $1 million dollars ($1,000,000.00 USD) is reached, you will automatically receive the right to share in the income of 1% (one percent) of the Net.

Mechanical Royalties ( including 1% of Synchronization Rights and 1 % of Mobile Streaming Rights sales revenues)  generated by the sales derived by revenue received from the recording, production and marketing of each of (5) five songs and (5) five associated music videos attached to the same (5) five songs titles that are listed by name and described in lyrical content below: based upon your donation amount being divided as set percentage of the total aggregate pool of fund received of not less than $1,000,000.00 million dollars USD.

Should the given amount of donations reach and or exceed a maximum acceptable donation amount of $5,000.000.00 million dollars, the maximum total Net. Mechanical Royalty Percentage to be shared by the total aggregate pool of donors, will be “INCREASED” as a “BONUS” to 1% to be ADDED PER EVERY ADDITIONAL $1, 000.000.00 $1 million dollars raised. But limited at UP TO A MAXIMUM of 5% of all Net. Mechanical Sales Royalties generated by the net revenue derived by the sales of each of the (5) five songs and (5) associated music videos list and described below.

Example Pro Forma:
Worldwide Catholic
Charities & Relief Funds

1 billion copies sold @ $65.00 [$6.50 x 10 genres (RB, Gospel, POP, etc.) X 7 original songs]= $455,000,000,000.00-Vatican sales
5.0% of maximum potential = $22,750,000,000.00
1 billion single sales @ $6.50= $65,000,000,000.00
5.0% of maximum potential would = $325,000,000.00

Take Action

Urban Aid USA

Gary, Indiana
(463) 777-5668
